21 Elements Multi-Jurisdictional Collaboration

21 Elements is an award winning, innovative, countywide collaboration in San Mateo County that makes developing high-quality, certified housing elements easier and less costly, improving housing policy implementation. Recognized by a California APA award and used as a model by the Association of Bay Area Governments to replicate collaboratives across the nine-county region, Community Planning Collaborative has facilitated the work of 21 Elements since its inception in 2008.

While 21 Elements is an ongoing collaborative effort, one major focus has been the housing elements that the state requires every eight years. In San Mateo County, 21 Elements plays a key support role for all the jurisdictions in the county by planning a process that encourages regular participation from all jurisdictions and other stakeholders. The county runs from San Francisco’s edge to Silicon Valley, from the coast to the Bay, encompassing diverse communities and resources. Constituents of some communities are pro-growth while others are strongly against new development. 21 Elements actively engages stakeholder groups, partnering with nonprofits, and government agencies to facilitate an inclusive Housing Element update process.

21 Elements also provides the jurisdictions of San Mateo County with research and best practices on important housing policies and ways to discuss them with the community. 21 Elements is able to undertake collaborative efforts of shared interest. This has included a “grand nexus study” to support the establishment of commercial linkage fees across jurisdictions, a shared community engagement platform for the current round of housing element updates, development of a countywide analysis of fair housing to support all jurisdictions’ housing elements, and a collaborative effort for developing new Safety Elements and Environmental Justice Elements across multiple jurisdictions.

Past 21 Elements products have included: jurisdiction-specific housing plans (all of which have been certified by the state); annual reporting requirements; nexus and feasibility studies; inclusionary ordinances; tenant displacement analysis and development of regulations and programs to address displacement; accessory dwelling unit requirements and ordinances; training and expert presentations on special topics of concern to the jurisdictions; studies, policies and regulation of short-term rentals; interpretation and implementation of state law requirements; homeless and special needs studies, policy, zoning and implementation programs; other zoning mechanisms to address housing needs; and funding availability and grants related to transportation and housing projects.  

21 Elements has increased the capacity of staff in San Mateo County to implement housing policy. For example, in the fifth RHNA cycle, multiple cities were able to write their housing elements in-house because they had developed both capacity and confidence through 21 Elements. Approximately 90 percent of participating jurisdictions believe we saved them time and money, while 100 percent believed it was a worthwhile investment and improved the quality of their Housing Element. By facilitating collaboration, providing trainings, and improving access to quality products, 21 Elements has saved resources, leaving a legacy that will benefit San Mateo County jurisdictions into the future.