Bakersfield Affordable Housing Strategy and Trust Fund

Bakersfield has long been considered one of California’s more affordable cities, but in recent years housing affordability has become an issue of significant concern. To help understand and address this growing challenge, the City engaged a consulting team including Community Planning Collaborative to develop an affordable housing strategy and tools to complement and expand existing efforts to better meet housing needs in this diverse community. 

To meet their needs, Community Planning Collaborative partnered with the City team to:

  • Design and implement a multilingual community engagement process; 

  • Convene and facilitate conversations with key stakeholders, including service providers, housing developers and current and potential funding partners; 

  • Develop a new ADU program, tools and policy recommendations; and 

  • Provide guidance for establishing a new Affordable Housing Trust Fund.  

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

We developed a project website, outreach materials and online community survey in English, Spanish and Punjabi to help people understand what affordable housing is, why it’s important, and the new policies and tools being developed to better meet community housing needs. We also interviewed key stakeholders and convened multiple focus groups with existing and potential partners to help inform the strategy and its components as well as lay the groundwork for engaging partners in the strategy’s implementation.

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program

We developed a new ADU webpage, pre-reviewed plans program and online gallery, and an ADU Guidebook detailing the ADU development process from first inspiration through design, permitting, construction, and move-in. We also developed recommendations for City efforts to promote ADU affordability and equity based on research of best practices across the state as well as analysis of alternative investment and incentive options. The City is now taking next steps toward implementing new ADU incentives based on the research and recommendations.

Affordable Housing Trust Fund

We analyzed current and potential funding sources and projected future funding streams; worked with staff to articulate clear priorities and underwriting standards for the Trust Fund’s loan program; and helped staff act quickly on a funding opportunity, resulting in a $3 million 2022 grant from the State towards the City’s efforts.