Irvine Foundation California Housing Landscape

The James Irvine Foundation, with over $2 billion in assets, turned to Community Planning Collaborative to learn more about housing in California, as they had never made grants in the housing arena before and wanted guidance.

We completed over 30 interviews with key stakeholders throughout California, summarized dozens of studies and administered original research about housing production. We compared needs and trends in various regions throughout California to identify opportunities for philanthropy to have a significant impact.

We produced a series of three reports (eventually combined into one large California Housing Landscape Report) and conducted trainings for Irvine Foundation staff to review key findings and inform staff about leveraging activities consistent with other Foundation goals. The report included:

  • Background and Challenges: An in-depth overview of California's current housing conditions and a primer on affordable housing and key housing themes.

  • Strategic Opportunities: An overview of possibilities including 10 “Big Ideas” that have the potential to shape housing production or preservation for decades to come.

  • Key Levers and Resources: 24 areas or actions where policymakers, developers, and city planners can take action to increase housing supply.